Mice Extermination by Professional Workers


We will help you learn about getting rid of mice in a house. Mice are the most troublesome rodents found in the house. This is because they can move from one place to another very fast and it is very difficult to follow them. They are very destructive since they eat and contaminate foods meant for humans and livestock. They also destroy structures and property. In some cases, they can transmit diseases. 

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Mice have a very keen sense of hearing, smelling, tasting and touching. They can run up a vertical surface very fast. They can also jump high from the floor to a flat surface. They can also squeeze through small spaces as small as ¼ inch in diameter.

There Are Three Main Steps That Can Be Used In Getting Rid Of Mice In A House. These Are:

Creating an uncomfortable environment for the rodents to live in – This includes applying all the methods to catch the mouse-like using traps, the use of ammonia and mint, or keeping a cat. There are glue boards that can capture the mice when they step on them. All the traps and glue boards should be checked on a regular basis and the captures cats should be disposed of in plastic bags. Gloves should always be worn when handling the carcasses to prevent possible contamination. The use of mouse poison to kill the mice is discouraged.

Modifying the habitat – One should make sure that the area around the house is cleared of weeds and debris. All the tall grass should be cut and the trash cans kept far from the house and kept covered. Proper sanitation should also be observed to get rid of rodent control services. Store food covered containers and in places where the mice cannot reach. All food particles and clutter should be from the surfaces or sink.

Exclusion – Ensuring that the construction is mice proof, all the holes should be covered using steel wool that can act as a temporary plug. Cracks on the walls, door, floor, vents should be covered using metal. Plastic, rubber, and wood should not be used to cover the holes.

The three methods have to be applied for total success in eliminating rodents. Success is defined as being able to eliminate rodents from the house and preventing them from returning in the future. If you have any more great tips on getting rid of mice in a house please let us know. For more info call our Rodent Pest Control Adelaide professionals.